
Marine Science Classes

  Devon Ohlwiler is an independent teacher who offers online marine science elective courses to service the homeschool community, and is not affiliated with any public school. Payment for this course can be done using charter school funds (upon vendor approval), or out of pocket by check, Venmo or Zelle. Current or pending charter schools serviced include iLead, Cabrillo Point Academy and Sky Mountain. Mrs. Devon Ohlwiler graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Marine Biology from California State University Northridge. While attending CSUN, she conducted several independent research studies in the field of Marine Ecology, including a behavioral study of fish native to Catalina Island. After graduation, Mrs. Ohlwiler spent 2 years as an animal husbandry specialist at Sea Dwelling Creatures, caring for a variety of marine fish and invertebrates. Mrs. Ohlwiler is a certified Marine Mammal Naturalist, and managed the Marine Mammal Program at  Discovery Cube's Ocean Quest, where her and